What´s up? Here we are: Jan, Martin and The General, three wild guys from Prague. In Eastern Europe over 40% of all young guys live in debts. We thought about how to find, meet and have a look into their private life. And of course have some kind of fun with them…
So we began to play a little funny game:
Our game: We have placed some advertisments.
Their prize: We will pay all their debts.
Our rules: All they know is that we will have a camera to document our genuinne advice.
[wposflv src=http://www.gaywargames.com/promo/flash-files/tube/bemygirl.flv width=560 height=304 title=”be my girl”]
[wposflv src=http://cdn.ericdeman.com/flash/ericdeman430.flv width=400 height=325 title=”male Turkish bath”]